


时间:2019-1-23  来源:DIGITIMES  编辑:

 本文转载自Jay Liu发表在DIGITIMES上的文章。


China-based PCB makers are eyeing bright business prospects for 2019, bolstered by numerous 5G base stations actively under construction in the country and their close partnerships with leading telecom equipment suppliers Huawei and ZTE, but the opportunities may be undermined by uncertain fallouts of the US-China trade war, according to industry sources.




The sources said that 5G mobile communication networks boast high transmission speed yet with smaller coverage areas, and therefore the number of 5G base stations needed will be more than twice that of 4G ones.




This in turn will drastically drive up demand for PCBs, and the unit price of 5G-spec PCBs will double that of 4G ones, providing lucrative business opportunities for major China PCB makers including Shennan Circuits and Wus Printed Circuits.




Shennan Circuits has been deemed the most powerful PCB maker in competing for business opportunities arising from 5G base stations in China, as the company has over 60% of its annual revenues coming from communication applications, with one third of which contributed by Huawei.




Despite actively developing automotive-use PCBs in recent years, Wus Printed Circuits has also seen more than 60% of revenues contributed by communication-use PCBs, with Huawei and Ericsson among its major customers.




Industry sources said that Huawei and ZTE together will command around 70% of the 5G base station market in China, and the country is set to establish 80,000 5G base stations at major economic development areas in the first wave of 5G infrastructure constructions in 2019. This has made China PCB makers and other upstream materials suppliers upbeat about upcoming explosion of business opportunities.




But the sources also indicated that the construction of the 5G base stations in China would be postponed should the US ban its enterprises from exporting key components to Huawei, now becoming the focus of US-China trade war following the arrest of its chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou by Canada authorities in early December. If so, the explosion of the business opportunities for upstream supply chain partners would also be deferred.


(仅供参考):但消息人士还表示,如果美国禁止其企业向华为出口关键部件,中国的5G基站建设将被推迟,现在,在其首席财务官孟晚舟被捕后成为美中贸易战的焦点。 如果是这样,上游供应链合作伙伴的商机也将被推迟。